Welcome to the Chair of Product Development.

The Chair of Product Development is dedicated to the development of innovative, sustainable products that meet the challenges of modern technologies and markets. Our research and teaching combine sound engineering sciences with creative design and strategic thinking. The focus is on methods, processes and tools that enable systematic and holistic product development.

Our research aims to support product developers and companies in mastering the increasing complexity of modern technical systems during development and to develop innovative solutions for the challenges of our time. Guided by theory and using empirical research methods, we develop new methods, processes and tools for product development and evaluate them in practice.

Teaching at the chair is aimed at students on Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Mechatronics, Marine and Ocean Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management, as well as students studying to become teachers in the subject of Work-Economics-Technology.

We look forward to working with you - whether in research, teaching or industrial projects!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kilian Gericke


For diversity, respect and humanity

The Chair of Product Development at the University of Rostock clearly distances itself from any form of xenophobia, right-wing extremism and hatred. Our diverse team stands united on the side of all those who are affected by exclusion and discrimination. We respect the freedom and individuality of the individual and firmly condemn any form of racism and any inhumane, elitist, ethnic ideology.
The different cultural backgrounds of our colleagues and students are an enrichment for all of us, both professionally and personally. Where would we be without you!
At this time, we want to set an example for human dignity, respect and decency and are therefore committed to a society based on respect and tolerance, not resentment and hostility.

Topic overview