The research of Kilian Gericke is in the area of product development with a focus on design methodology and design process management, i.e. design process process planning, design process improvement, and methodological support of designers (design methods, guidelines, design principles) during the early stages of product development.
He is particularly interested in the effects of new concepts such as Product Service Systems (PSS), Cyber Physical Systems, and of new manufacturing technologies such as Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) on the design process and in the development of new design methods that support designers in this context.
- since April 2019 Professor of Product Development
- 2010 - 2019 Senior Researcher, Engineering Design and Methodology Group, University of Luxembourg
- 2011 graduation (Dr.-Ing.) on project risk management in the area of product development (supervisor: Prof. Lucienne Blessing)
- 2005 - 2010 research associate at the chair Engineering Design and Methodology, Technische Universität Berlin, 2008-2010 deputy head of the group
- until 2005 study of mechanical engineering (engineering design) at Technische Universität Berlin
- Member of the university council
- Vice dean faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Maritime Technology
- Member Advisory Board, the Design Society
- Member of Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung - WiGeP
- Co-Chair Design Processes Special Interest Group, the Design Society
- Editor Pahl/Beitz - Konstruktionslehre
- Member of editorial board Journal of Engineering Design, Taylor & Francis
- Reviewer for funding agencies (DFG, NWO, EC, ...)
- Reviewer for various journals (Research in Engineering Design, Design Science, AIEDAM, Design Studies, Journal of Engineering Design, ...)
Kilian Gericke
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Office: Seminargebäude III / R 127
E-mail: kilian.gerickeuni-rostockde