Research interests

  • Product development
  • Process optimisation
  • Project management
  • Agile management
  • Creative and critical thinking


Siewert L., Gericke K., Navigating the Hybrid Landscape: A Literature Study on Hybrid Development Approaches for Physical Products, proceedings from NordDesign 2024, DOI: 10.35199/NORDDESIGN2024.95

Schmitt P., Siewert L., Gericke K., A Proposal for Guiding the Selection of Suitable DfAM Support Based on Experiential Knowledge, in Proceedings of the Design Society , Volume 4: DESIGN 2024 , May 2024 , pp. 1829 - 1838, DOI:

Rößler L., Gericke K., Usage and Acceptance of Management Tools in Project-based Learning Environments, in Proceedings of the Design Society, 3, doi:10.1017/pds.2023.396

Rößler L., Gericke K., Analysing Paradigms for Managing Product Development: Conventional, Agile and Hybrid Approaches, in Proceedings of the International Design conference DESIGN'22, Cavtat Croatia,

Hembus J., Rößler L., Jackszis M., Klinder A., Bader R., Zietz C., Influence of Metallic Deposition on Ceramic Femoral Heads on the Wear Behavior of Artificial Hip Joints: A Simulator Study, in Materials 2020, doi:10.3390/ma13163569

Hembus J., Rößler L., Springer A., Frank M., Klinder A., Bader R., Zietz C., Enz A., Experimental Investigation of Material Transfer on Bearings for Total Hip Arthroplasty—A Retrieval Study on Ceramic and Metallic Femoral Heads, in Journal of Clinical Medicine,


Lisa Siewert


Research Associate

Phone:   (+49) 381 / 498 9178
Fax:       (+49) 381 / 498 9172
Office:    Seminargebäude III/Raum123


Consultation hours
By prior arrangement (Mail, Phone)