
Dr. Ingo Jonuschies studied mechanical engineering at the University of Rostock. In 2009, he received his diploma in mechanical engineering, specializing in design engineering and manufacturing technology. He worked as research associate at the University of Rostock until 2015. In 2015, he received his PhD in the field of product development of machine elements. From 2015 to 2022, he worked in the wind industry in various functions - most recently as Group Lead Machinery & Components and Deputy Leader Cost of Energy Program (Working Group Structural Components) and since 2019 he led an internationally based team of development engineers. Since April 2022, he is lecture at the Chair of Product Development. Within the scope of this activity, he is responsible for the course management for the teacher-training program Labour-Economics-Technology (AWT) at the University of Rostock and is the main contact person for the supervision and organization of the teacher-training program AWT. Within the education curriculum, he is responsible for the scientific education of the students.

His research interests are in the field of human behaviour in design, including methods of competence development and methods of technical knowledge transfer. In his research, Dr. Jonuschies wants to analyze different approaches to the development & adaptation of skills with regard to creativity, decision-making processes and technical sensibility. In doing so, he wants to understand and compare behavioral patterns of different user groups (engineering & technical teaching) and derive methodological proposals.


Human Behaviour in Design

Method application in product development

Competence development in engineering and technical teacher education

Ingo Jonuschies


Senior Research Associate

Phone: (+49) 381 / 498 9180
Fax:      (+49) 381 / 498 9172
Office:  Seminargebäude III/Room103


Consultation hours
By prior arrangement (email, phone)