In the Labour-Business-Technology (AWT) teacher training program, the focus of my work is on teaching. I accompany the students through the modules of the subject didactics AWT as well as through the practical school exercises. In addition, I supervise the AWT students in their main internship and advise them on general questions about the AWT teaching degree program. In addition, as Erasmus+ coordinator of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology, I support interested students with planned stays abroad.
Leading teaching modules
Fachdidaktik 1 AWT – Einführung in die Grundlagen
Fachdidaktik 2 AWT – Unterrichtsmethoden und Schulpraktische Übungen
Fachdidaktik 3 AWT – Abschlussmodul
Accompanying teaching modules
Fachwissenschaft AWT – Werkstoffbearbeitung
Fachwissenschaft AWT – Technische Experimente und Versuche
Stefan Förster

Phone:(+49) 381 / 498 9179
Fax: (+49) 381 / 498 9172
Office: Seminargebäude III/Room125
Consultation hours
by prior arrangement (email, phone)